To be advised on roses Garden, ask Meilland Richardier:
Tips for Garden Roses
Vidéos Tutoriales
To help you, we provide you with educational videos on notre chaine Youtube
Planting your Roses Video
Tools for pruning Rose
To trim its roses, some tools are needed:
- A good secateurs
- A pruning shears (For thicker branches)
- A handsaw (For larger branches)
- Shears (For landscaped)
- Gloves (resistant to thorns)
Pruning Your Roses
require pruning: it avoids baldness of the base of the plants. By being prune regularly, your roses will have a more harmonious habit and flowering.
Pruning your Climbers
Keep long main branches and prune the secondary shoots to about 1cm of the departure of the main branches.
Pruning your Landscape Roses
The annual pruning for
is not required. Only do a rejuvenation pruning every few years.